Updates on more changes in this challenging year.

In August I sent a note out to clients and friends regarding changes since I wrote the entry below.

Dear friends and clients,

Back in the middle of March I wrote to tell you that I was in the UK due to my daughter suffering a life threatening accident. She has now fully recovered, but a lot has changed since then. 

First, I would like to thank the many of you who so kindly got in touch to check in, pass on your thoughts, and offer support. It means a great deal to me that you reached out. It's been a unexpected, tumultuous, and just plain crazy year for all of us and to then come this close to losing my daughter was certainly one of the more challenging events of my life. 

By the end of May we had worked out that Audrey could stay with my step-sister in Bristol, in the UK. She is looking forward to returning to university in September. 

Second,  the biggest effect of all this turmoil has been, unfortunately, that I am no longer living in Camden or, indeed, Maine. My being away for two and a half months was, sadly, more than my relationship at home could survive. I am grateful that an old friend from high school asked if I'd like to spend the summer at his farmhouse on the eastern shore in Maryland. I've been here since June 5th. 

Since mid-March, as many of you know, I've been providing remote support - via phone and screen sharing, I wrote in my last letter to all of you then:

Whether you need help organizing your Photos, figuring out what’s taking up space on your computer, removing malware or learning how to add an adjustment layer in Photoshop

Coincidentally, I have done all four of the above items in the last week, and helping everyone via screen sharing has worked better than I had hoped when this all started. I hope you will reach me via email, text or phone if you need technical support of any kind.

Third, if you know anyone who could use the type of help I've provided over the past years, I'd be grateful if you'd pass on my name. Many thanks for you support and I look forward to continuing to work with you.
